Privacy policy and Terms of Use

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Gameflix Platform User Agreement

The Gameflix platform, owned by Alamak AL-Efteradhi Commercial Corporation, registered with a commercial registration number: 7036396880, welcomes you and informs you that the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and all the terms and conditions and policies published on the Gameflix platform have been established to protect and preserve the rights of both the Alamak AL-Efteradhi Commercial Corporation and the user, whether they are a consumer, merchant, or otherwise. All terms and conditions, provisions, and legal disputes are subject to the laws, legislation, and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

As a user or consumer on the Gameflix platform, you acknowledge that you are fully qualified to enter into this agreement and agree to abide by all the provisions of this agreement by merely using the platform, accessing it, or registering for the service. Gameflix has the right to amend this agreement at any time, and it is considered binding on all parties.

Article 1 – Introduction and Definitions:  

The preamble above is considered an integral part of this agreement, complementing it, and explaining its provisions. Below you will find the meanings and definitions of the main terms used in this agreement.

Gameflix platform, owned by Alamak AL-Efteradhi Commercial Corporation:

 This term refers to the Gameflix application, and this definition covers all forms of the Gameflix application company on the Internet, whether an electronic application or a website on the Internet.

Seller:This term refers to every seller who registers on the Gameflix platform to create a seller account, whether they are a natural or legal person, including the seller's website.

Seller Account: This term refers to the account used by the seller on the Gameflix electronic platform.

Consumer: This term refers to any consumer who purchases the product or service from the seller.

Agreement:This term refers to the rules, conditions, and provisions of using the Gameflix electronic platform, i.e., all the provisions and conditions of this agreement, which govern and regulate the relationship between the parties to this agreement.

Article 2 – Seller's Legal Eligibility:  

The seller acknowledges that they have full legal and lawful capacity, that they are at least eighteen years old, and that they are exempt from this if they are under the legal age of majority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and provide proof of their guardian's approval to create the account by attaching a signed affidavit from their guardian, along with the guardianship deed if necessary. They should have sufficient knowledge to create their electronic account through the Gameflix platform.

If the seller registers as an institution, company, or any other legal entity, the institution, company, or legal entity registered by them must have the legal and regulatory capacity, and they must obtain the necessary licenses to conduct business through the Gameflix electronic platform. The seller agrees that if they violate the above article, they will bear the consequences of this violation to others.

Article 3 – Nature of Gameflix's Commitment:  

Gameflix is committed to managing the comprehensive transaction for both the consumer and the seller. Gameflix notifies both the consumer and the seller at every step of the process: from listing to execution, from purchase to delivery, and transaction evaluation.

When the consumer purchases a product on the Gameflix platform, Gameflix suspends payment until the consumer confirms that they have received, inspected, and accepted the product. We request the consumer to click on "Complete the transaction" and for the seller to evaluate the consumer to complete the transaction. Once this happens, all sales become final, and the seller receives the funds in their seller account within 48 hours of the consumer's confirmation.

Gameflix provides the seller with services such as marketing campaigns, technical support, guidance, and advice. It also offers electronic payment gateways over the Internet, and all Gameflix platform services are subject to the terms, conditions, and provisions of this usage agreement.

Article 4 – Accounts and Registration Obligations:  

Requesting to join the Gameflix platform membership or requesting to create an electronic seller account requires disclosing specific information and choosing a username and password to use when logging into the Gameflix platform. After activating your account, you will become a user of the Gameflix platform services, and you have agreed to:

1. Your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your account information and password.

2. Reporting to the management of the Gameflix platform any unauthorized use of your account information on the Gameflix platform or any other breach of your confidential information.

3. Commitment to disclosing real, accurate, updated, complete, and legal information about yourself as required during registration with the Gameflix platform and updating it in case of changes in reality or if necessary. Gameflix has the right to suspend or cancel your membership in the platform if you violate this.

4. Commitment to seriousness and credibility when using the platform.

5. Commitment to the rules and provisions of the usage agreement and the legal controls in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Please note that Gameflix is not responsible under any circumstances for any direct or indirect loss that may occur to you, morally or materially, as a result of disclosing your username or password information or in case of misuse of the seller's account. If the management of the Gameflix platform is not informed about the use of others for the account, it is considered authorization from you to use the account on your behalf.

If any direct or indirect losses occur to the Gameflix platform as a result of any illegal, unreal, or unauthorized use of your account by you or any other person who obtained the keys to access your account on the platform, whether for providing services using the username and password or due to your negligence in maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password, with or without your authorization.

Article 5 – Electronic Communications and Official Communication Methods:  

The seller on the Gameflix platform agrees that communication with them will be through the following channels:

1. The email registered on the platform.

2. The public messages broadcast by the management of the Gameflix platform to all users or to specific users when they log into their accounts on the Gameflix platform.

The seller also agrees that all the agreements, announcements, data, and other communications provided electronically on the Gameflix platform are equivalent to their written counterparts and are a standalone argument in meeting legal requirements. Please note that during your membership period and practicing trade through the platform, the Gameflix platform will send promotional emails to inform you of any changes, procedures, or new promotional activities that may be added to the Gameflix platform.

Article 6 – Payment:  

The consumer can purchase the displayed products directly and pay the required amount to initiate the purchase and receipt procedures. Gameflix retains the allocated amount until the consumer confirms receipt and approves the receipt of the product with the specified specifications.

The consumer has 24 hours after the delivery date to agree to the acknowledgment. If the consumer does not complete the transaction after 24 hours, the transaction will be considered complete and final. If the acknowledgment is confirmed, the amount will be transferred to the seller's account within 48 hours. We would like to note that all prices displayed on the platform include value-added tax.

Article 7 – Digital Delivery:  

The seller is committed to documenting the digital delivery process, and screenshots and video recordings are examples of delivery documentation. The seller is responsible for keeping it until the consumer agrees to complete the transaction and accepts receipt of the product. If the consumer claims non-receipt, the seller is required to provide Gameflix with proof of the inaccuracy of that claim. If the seller does not provide proof, the funds will be refunded to the consumer. Gameflix notes that all transactions are considered final 24 hours after the order delivery, and the consumer is not entitled to raise objections after the period ends, and the seller has the right to dispose of the documentation evidence.

Article 8 – Rights:  

All materials available on the Gameflix platform are protected under copyrights, trademarks, and other forms of intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, texts, codes, logos, designs, technical ideas, and offers, which are owned by Gameflix. Any violation or infringement of these rights by using them in any form, whether direct or indirect, the management of the Gameflix platform will take the necessary actions against it.

Article 9 – Privacy Policy:  

By using the Gameflix platform, the user agrees to the terms of the privacy policy, and the privacy policy is a legally binding agreement. If any new features or tools are added to the platform's services, they will also be subject to this policy. We collect information that improves your browsing experience, including, but not limited to, the email address and phone number used during registration. We collect information about your activity on the platform, which we use to display products you may like or assist you in purchasing. Activity information may include, but is not limited to, the terms you search for in the site's search bar, the lists you browse, and your purchase history. We use the information to provide, develop, operate, offer, and improve our services, diagnose problems, identify errors, and make the necessary improvements to our services, detect and prevent fraud and misuse of our services and systems, create statistics on the use of our services, understand and analyze how you use our services and the products you are interested in.

Gameflix affirms its commitment to handling your personal information and contact addresses with confidentiality in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy and confidentiality of information in force at Gameflix.

Article 10 – Cancellation, Return, and Exchange Policy:  

All sales are non-refundable and non-exchangeable on Gameflix, and there are no refunds unless the received product is either non-functional or differs from what was described as detailed in the return and exchange policy. If the consumer claims non-receipt of the product or a discrepancy between the received product and the displayed product, verification will be done by the Gameflix platform, and upon confirming the discrepancy, the funds will be refunded to the consumer.  

There are no returns once the financial transaction is complete. By completing the transaction, you agree to accept the product and finalize the transaction. Consumers who make fraudulent claims are subject to consequences, and their accounts will be permanently suspended under the return policy.  

The consumer has the right to cancel the order if it has not been received, unless it is a digital card. The seller has the right to cancel the order if they are unable to fulfill it, and the funds will be refunded to the consumer.

Article 11 – Rules the Seller Must Follow When Dealing with the Consumer:  

The seller is obligated to deal with the consumer with honesty, integrity, and fairness.  

The seller is obligated to deal with the consumer with good manners.

Article 12 – Technical Support:  

Under the rules and provisions of this usage agreement, the Gameflix platform provides technical support services to the seller and consumer.

Article 13 – Communication Policy Between the Seller and the Consumer:  

Communication between the seller and the consumer is only through the Gameflix platform, and it is prohibited for the seller or consumer to request contact information from the other party outside the platform. Any consequences resulting from this are not the responsibility of the Gameflix platform, and the platform has the right to suspend the account of the consumer or seller.

Article 14 – User-Generated Content:  

These regulations govern the creation, submission, and use of user-generated content (UGC) on the Gameflix website. User-generated content refers to any content created by users, including but not limited to:  

- Comments

- Forums and discussions

- Creative content art

- Avatars and user profiles

- Digital products (such as game mods) offered for purchase or sale.

Appropriate Content: All user-generated content must be appropriate and avoid any discriminatory, hateful, obscene, threatening, defamatory, or otherwise harmful content.

Accuracy and Legality: Users are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their user-generated content and that it does not violate any laws or regulations.

Ownership and Copyright: Users retain ownership of their user-generated content but grant Gameflix a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, and distribute the content on the Gameflix platform.

Safety and Security: Users must not submit any content containing viruses, malware, or any other harmful code.

Commercial Restrictions: Users are not allowed to use Gameflix for commercial purposes without obtaining explicit written permission from Gameflix.

Gameflix reserves the right to remove any user-generated content that violates these regulations or is deemed inappropriate. We may also take additional actions, such as suspending or terminating user accounts, in accordance with our terms of service.

Article 15 – Agreement Scope:  

This usage agreement – which may be amended from time to time as necessary – constitutes the framework of operation, understanding, agreement, and contracting between the seller and the Gameflix platform only, and the seller is obligated to abide by the provisions of this agreement.