Vendors’ Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for the sale

The "Gameflix" platform allows buying and selling digital products, ensures easy transactions, and provides safe payment methods. Through the platform, purchase orders can be submitted by the buyer on various products to the seller registered on the platform, and in return, the seller registered with the platform can display his own products. The role of "Gameflix" in managing the platform is limited to the details below. This Agreement shall be deemed valid until the Agreement is terminated in accordance with the cases mentioned in the “Termination Agreement” close definitions.

“Buyer” means the user of the platform who submits the purchase order from the seller registered on the platform.

“Seller” means the person whose seller account has been approved by the platform and has been allowed to offer and sell their products.

“Order” means a completed Purchase Order placed by a Buyer on a Seller’s Product on the Platform.

"Platform" means ‘'

“Seller Control Panel” means the link provided by “Gameflix” to the Seller with their username and password to enable them to manage the following:

  • Add products
  • Description of products
  • Product price update
  • Update and order management
  • Site responsibilities

Gameflix is committed to:

Providing an internet-connected system for the seller and buyer to carry out buying and selling transactions.

Providing an active and effective control panel for the seller that features communication channels and an order management system to record the details of the buyer's orders and how to implement them.

Accepting the products that are displayed on the platform as the platform management deems appropriate.

Seller responsibilities

The seller is obligated to provide the platform management with the following:

If the seller is an individual, they must provide the administration with the national identification number, mobile number, and e-mail.

If the seller is a company or a commercial establishment, they must provide the administration with the commercial register and related documents.

The seller undertakes the validity and clarity of the information upon effective registration, and is committed to updating the data in the event of its expiration. The "Gameflix" platform has the right to stop the seller's activity on the site if it appears that the seller is not committed to that.

Direct communication in any other way between the seller and the buyer is prohibited other than the only communication system available on the platform in the message box for the seller and the buyer. And all correspondence between the seller and the buyer is monitored by the platform administration. In the event that one of the parties agrees to communicate and conduct financial transactions outside the platform, the administration has the right to suspend the account of the buyer and seller.

The seller must provide content, images and descriptions of his products to be displayed on the site. He also undertakes the correctness and accuracy of information, images and specifications for each product, and to update it on an up-to-date basis.

Order management

The order management process is carried out through the following stages:

The platform receives orders for the offered products and receives the amounts due for orders on behalf of the seller by one of the payment methods available on the site.

The orders appear to the seller in his control panel in the orders field.

Exchange and return

The seller agrees to abide by the terms of exchange and return of the platform.

We at Gameflix also welcome communication by phone or Email.

Termination of the agreement

This agreement can be terminated between the two parties according to the following:

The seller has the right to terminate this agreement by submitting a request for termination via Email, and then the platform management agrees to that.

The platform management has the right to terminate this agreement when the seller violates one of the terms of this agreement.